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Define Location Range for a 2d Index

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You can define the range of coordinates included in a 2d index. By default, 2d indexes have longitude and latitude boundaries of:

  • Greater than or equal to -180

  • Less than 180

To change the location range of a 2d index, specify the min and max options when you create the index:

<location field>: "2d"
min: <lower bound>,
max: <upper bound>

The min and max bounds are inclusive and apply to both longitude and latitude.


The default location bounds for 2d indexes allow latitudes less than -90 and greater than 90, which are invalid values. The behavior of geospatial queries with these invalid points is not defined.

Defining a smaller location range for a 2d index reduces the amount of data stored in the index, and can improve query performance.

You cannot create a 2d index if your collection contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range.

After you create a 2d index, you cannot insert a document that contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range.

Create the contacts collection:

db.contacts.insertMany( [
name: "Evander Otylia",
phone: "202-555-0193",
address: [ 55.5, 42.3 ]
name: "Georgine Lestaw",
phone: "714-555-0107",
address: [ -74, 44.74 ]
] )

The address field contains legacy coordinate pairs.

Create a 2d index on the address field. Specify the following location bounds:

  • min bound of -75

  • max bound of 60

address: "2d"
min: -75,
max: 60

The index covers a smaller location range and has increased performance than a default 2d index.

After you create the index, you cannot insert a document that contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range. For example, you cannot insert the following document:

name: "Paige Polson",
phone: "402-555-0190",
address: [ 70, 42.3 ]

The address field has a longitude value of 70, which is higher than the max bound of 60.

You can use the 2d index to perform calculations on location data, such as proximity queries.

← Define Location Precision for a 2d Index